Wednesday, November 14, 2007

... a digression...

Once in a rare while a company, most likely one run by Asians, creates a product which has a name which is completely, and utterly misleading. Here, this pen seems to be quite normal: it writes, it most likely has a ball point and ink, and it has a sexy, ergonomic-type grip on it. Great. Wrong! Some dumb Asian, who thought he could create an apt title for a pen... well, he couldn't do it. "X-TEND", what the hell does this mean, it's not even a word in English. OK, OK, I'll cut him a break, it sounds like our word "Extend", so lets see, does it? Hell no! One may try, and try some more, but in this case, persist ency does not pay off. I am much smarter than the average man, and I could not figure out how to make this pen extend; I'm damn sure an average street walker could not extend this pen either. Wow, it unscrews, and all five parts can be interchanged with other shitty "X-TEND" pens. No thank you! The Asian man who created the moniker for this pen was probably the same man who writes things like " Thisa soya sauce makea fo a vera nice tase on rice an chicken an much more of you mos delctable dish" on the back of soy sauce bottles. He understands English. My ass. The name of this pen is quite bothersome to me because some Asian guy gave it a misleading name which made me contemplate suicide when I could not figure out how to extend the damn pen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Return of The Jews

One would suppose that after such events as the Exile from the Holy Land, all the way up to the Holocaust, the Jews would be... rather, they shouldn't be. It is truly marvelous (in the most literal meaning) that such a people still are around to terrorize the Earth. But they're still here, so in the name of fairness, one must only comment. There is a Jew, a highly prolific one at that, but he, being a Jew, would not have it any other way; this man goes by the Name of Spielberg. We cannot be sure if his first name is actually "Steven", because it is a known fact that Jews use American names simply to assimilate into society, making it easier for them to take our money; this on the account that they do their deceitful crafts in a much more incognito type fashion. Spielberg is a master of this, Forbes has assessed his films to have grossed more than $8 billion, and they claim his net worth is over $3 billion. That's a billion, with a "b". That's a 3 with nine zeros after it. W,OOO,OOO,OOO.W! There is nothing that can be done about this, he is a Jew and he is bound to have money. But, how did Spielberg make his billions? This Answer does not come so easily, even to the most educated of people, the solution is hard to formulate. For most of the top scholars (myself being an authority on this matter as well), he made his fortune via the Holocaust. It is highly debated, but for every true scholar it is clear that the Holocaust never happened to the extent which the Jews claim. They use conniving tactics in order to get sympathy, and in some cases a free country (Israel and parts of America too). Spielberg fabricated many of the events in this World War 2 era in order to display a world in which Jews were brutally and mercilessly rounded up and slaughtered by the Germans. History has proven that these events are false, and that the Jews left Europe on their own account. If any people were in fact killed by the Germans, surely it would have been the Gypsies, but due to their elusive lifestyles, it is hard to document if even they were killed. Enough digression, Spielberg did something more horrific than even the events in his film, he exploited his own people as well as the youth and old of the entire world, in order to make money. Though the Jews are people who do not deserve to exist any longer, it is horrific when on of them exploits his entire people in the name of millions of dollars. These actions are deplorable. Today Spielberg is the richest man in Hollywood, and dammit (and him) to Hell, it is wrong. It is not right for a person to exploit his kin, but when a Jew does it, it is always for money. Spielberg did this in 1993 when he released Schindler's List, and it is wrong. Only a Jew would do such a despicable thing...