Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Damn Dirty Jews

For the longest time it has been known that the Jews have complete control over Hollywood, and possibly the entire media industry. This phenomenon started in the early 1900's with the creation of the film industry. Though he was an undeniable racist, early filmmaker, D. W. Griffith, was in fact Jewish. For people who choose to judge by acknowledging sweeping generalizations, the name "Griffith" has no bearing, and said people may disregard this information because the name "Griffith" is not stereotypically "Jewish sounding", but there is an aura of secrecy surrounding Griffith's birth. Much like Jesus Christ, nobody is exactly sure who Griffiths biological parents were ( nobody is exactly sure who Jesus's children are, and how many he had, but it is said that he had an estimated 17 children. This is information is supported by an in-depth study conducted at the University of Vienna.) . From the previously stated research, it was found that Griffith was, in fact, a descendant of the Christ line. Though he was raised by a Southern Colonel and his wife, close relatives say that he was actually found in a manger (Just like Jesus) , and quickly adopted by the Griffith's due to his likeness to Jesus. No matter how much pain it may cause, it is imposable to overlook the fact that Jesus was Jewish, and Griffith, being a direct descendant of Jesus, must be Jewish as well. Though he may have shown outward hatred towards individuals unlike himself and his Southern comrades (Jews, Blacks, Comunists, and Gypsies being his main targets), Griffith did not realize that he was, in fact, a dirty Jew. From this point on, Jews began to infiltrate Hollywood and the media industry because they had enough money to buy all of the businesses and they speculated it would be highly influential.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forget that Jews owned more African slaves than any other ethnic group in the New world.